Wednesday, January 14, 2009

#4: My Poetry of 'Woodstock' (Continued)

Colour Your Music

This was no rehearsed orchestra,
No music to beautiful for words.
They did not discriminate against an ugly noise,
Welcoming every sound and silence
Every pause and every outburst.
Sound would flow out into the high sky
Where the rainbow caught it in it’s hazy tide,
For it will always colour and collect the music.

A Lick Of Fun

Over a head
My head, they said.
My head is ten, I said.

Your all just one
Glowing lights, they sprinkle sun.
I thought this was just to much fun.

Only the rainbows up ahead,
The shining sun and the joyous screams-
The one who is and will be.

It’s all ahead, we said.

Music And A Man

Music and a man

A drummer and his band.
The music played the people to the beat of wailing instruments
Hearts leapt and the collective stamp of musical feet

Well, it turned the farm into a stage

And a sea of rhythm where bodies swam,
Although no drowning did occur of any souls,
A few we’re lost out in this colossal sea.

Music and the fans

A singer and his voice.
Electric feeling and a chorus
When the time was young with harmless love

The flame of people heating the rainbow air
Unleashing fires filled with soul
Starting from the music and felt by the man.

The Sun Beats Down On Everyone

The beat went up with the shimmering,
Morning sun.
Beaming, pointing rays
Wash over the bodies full of life and love.
High noon is where the chorus stays-
Playing, playing, this beat doesn’t ever lay
And every man and women sang.
At all hours of the day the crowds still came
Laying, and hanging; everything was alllllright.
An electric static of music, amidst an inferno of humans.
A Forest fire of people, the trees moved aside
To avoid combustions of true soul.
While all the good auras floated and mixed in the air, rather
A rainbow you could say.
These half a million heads aren’t sane
They keep on stomping, although avoiding the flame.
Then the sun starts to fall from burning exhaustion..
Water colour clouds and splashes of pink scatter the sky-
It must have been so noisy they couldn’t quite
Keep the colours straight in the sky..

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