Wednesday, January 14, 2009

#3: Creative Non-Fiction/ Travel Writing

Rough Draft:

During the Spring time, there is a slight warm breeze from where I stand on the ground, while up in the mountains a sheet of white hangs over the mountainside, snowing relentlessly.
It’s almost impossible not to take in the magnificent views provided by the incessant blue skies, (Doesn't really make sense)connected to the numerous mountains along the outskirts of Madrid. Not only are they stunning to be surrounded by, they also provide the fresh water for the amazing city and the tiny suburbs dotted along the edge of Madrid.
Don’t miss out on hiking up the trails for some vigorous exercise and the beautiful scenery the mountain grants you with, as many locals take part in this as part of healthy living. Walking home from school every day towards the mountains is picture perfect! (I was unsure of how to end it, I find this ending doesn't fit).
Good Copy:
Spring time in Madrid. A slight warm breeze caresses your face while you watch the snow fall relentlessly in the mountains constructing a sheet of white to hang over the mountainside.
Take in the magnificent views provided by the incessant blue skies. It is impossible not to - they are simply stunning.
They connect effortlessly to the numerous mountains along the outskirts of Madrid, providing fresh water for the alluring city and tiny suburbs.
Venture through the beautiful scenery the mountains grant you. Get a taste of local healthy living with some vigorous exercise - hiking will expose you to picture perfect surroundings. This is Madrid.

I included this piece in my portfolio because as challenging as I thought this piece was going to be, and it was to some extent, I really enjoyed writing about different locations in the world.
As for the audience, this piece is for people who enjoy travelling of all ages- it's always interesting to find out about different places in the world. I don’t think there is an age limit to traveling and it’s something I can definitely see myself writing about in the future.
In this piece I tried to use as many verbs and adjectives as I could, trying to fully describe my experience there and why people should visit Madrid. I think that it came across quite well, although it could have been better- perhaps a bit longer.

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